Und weil es so schön war, geht's gleich weiter.
The Screamers were a punk rock group active in the Los Angeles, California area in the late 1970s.
A1 The Beat Goes On
A2 Thru The Flames
A3 Sex Boy
A4 If I Can't Have What I Want (I Don't Want Anything)
A5 She's The Girl
A6 I Wanna Hurt
A7 122 Hours Of Fear (Part 1)
B1 ...122 Hours Of Fear (Part 2)
B2 Punished Or Be Damned
B3 Government Love Affair
B4 Peer Pressure
B5 In A Better World
B6 Vertigo
B7 Magazine Love
B8 It's A Violent World
The Demos 1977-78

Part I
Live at The Whisky, LA 1/7/78
1. Vertigo
2. The Beat Goes On
3. Magazine Love
4. Government Love Affair (Don't Pay The Whore)
5. I Wanna Hurt
6. Peer Pressure
7. If I Can't Have What I Want, I Don't Want Anything
8. Punish Or Be Damned
9. It's A Violent World
10. I'm Going Steady With Twiggy
Pat Garrett Demos 7/7/77
11. Matar Dolores
Demos 78/79 ?
(recorded by David Cambell & Renee Daalder)
12. I'm A Mensch
13. The Scream
14. Need A Head-On (Why The World)
Live at Mabuhay Gardens, SF 9/2/78
15. 122 Hours Of Fear
16. Vertigo
17. Last 4 Digits
18. Magazine Love
19. Beat Goes On
20. Punish Or Be Damned
21. In A Better World
Part II
Live at The Whisky, LA 1-6-78
1. The Beat Goes On
2. In A Better World
3. Punish Or Be Damned
4. If I can't have what I want, I don't want anything
5. GO guy
6. Magazine love
7. Vertigo
8. Sex boy
9. Violent world
Radio spot, Tomata
(played on KROQ in LA for 7/19-21/79 shows)
10. Roxy radio spot
Demos 78/79
(recorded by David Cambell & Renee Daalder)
11. Need A Head-On (Why The World), The Scream
Live 78 (at The Whisky 7/1/78)
12. Eva Braun
13. 122 Hours of Fear
14. Mater Dolores
15. Thru The Flames (She Frightens)
16. Magazine Love
17. Vertigo
18. Sex Boy
Pat Garrett Demos 7/7/77
19. If I Can't Have What I Want, I Don't Want Anything