Dienstag, 13. September 2011
Sonntag, 22. November 2009
Elegi Discography

Elegi - Sistereis
“Sistereis" is still a singular experience and it's uniqueness should make it an absolute must for anyone interested in modern classical composition, doom, or electronic ambient.
Elegi - Varde
"After his glorious “Sistereis” album from 2007 Tommy Jansen, aka Elegi, returns with his second album for Miasmah. “Varde” is, again, an immensely atmospherical album but this time it’s not about shipwreck but about polar explorers and the sublime environment into which they advance, aspiring to reach the pole first. I don’t think the album narrates any explorer’s particular story. There are documents printed in the booklet (designed, as always with Miasmah releases, by labelhead Erik Skodvin (aka Svarte Greiner)) and there’s what I take to be an authentic historical audio document that features heavily in the final track, “Den Store Hvite Stillhet”. But these seem to be about different journeys, shifting the focus from narrative to stasis, ambience, landscape. And to the melancholy induced by the explorers’ hubris."
Way Of The Cross - Mind Of The Dolphin

"Massive new limited edition LP on NNCK’s new imprint documenting a series of recordings from this ambitious American/European big band that unites Dave Nuss of The No-Neck Blues Band with Spencer Clark and James Ferraro of The Skaters alongside Jan Anderzen of Kemialliset Ystavat, Jonna from Kuupuu, Stellar Om Source, Mik Quantius from Embryo and Tiitus Petajaniemi and Jari Koho of Uton/Keijo. The whole entourage toured through Europe in the spring of 2007 and this LP collects the best of the jams. Three long tracks and one fragment, including two pieces recorded at VPRO Radio. The sound takes off from the kind of free goof blueprint of The Godz, with a lots of percussion and odd rhythmic dunting while The Skaters work lush keyboard parts and a wall of ululating vocal drone deep into the backdrop. Quantius supplies vocals that are somewhere between Don Van Vliet and Alan Bishop and the whole thing proceeds into this kind of weird ethno-zone where fragmented world rhythms and sounds are twisted to dark, psychotropic ends. But the real gravy is the side long fourth track, the most convincing update of the monochord bass/drum confusion of Skip Spence’s “Grey/Afro” ever improvised in real time, combining sublime vocal highs with a hypnotic bottom end."
Und das ist mit großem Abstand meine absolute Lieblingsplatte für dieses Jahr!
Hit für Hit EIN HIT!
A1 Asahara Renunciate (Recorded At VPRO) 8:45A2 Fright Dentmint 1:15
A3 Vagina Cocktata 10:00
B Unconsummated Seduction (Recorded At VPRO) 20:00
Acoustic Family Creeps - Play Live In The Woods 12"
Dienstag, 10. November 2009
Ilyas Ahmed
Per Flaschenpost sei er von Pakistan an die Küste New Jerseys geschwemmt worden. Inzwischen hat sich Ilyas Ahmed bestens in Portland eingelebt, dem Mekka des experimentellen PsychFolk.Und verdient trotz Aufruf zu innerer Emigration spätestens mit seinem neuen Album die Ehrenbürgerschaft.
Auf “Goner” klingt der Mittdreissiger streckenweise wie Thom Yorke auf Valium, wobei der Tranquilizer hauptsächlich auf die im Hintergrund wimmernde Stimme wirkt. Instrumental bzw. Gitarren-technisch zeigt er sich trotz LoFi-Verzerrungen grooviger denn je. Wenn man dem so sagen kann.
Dennoch bleibt’s ein düsteres, besinnliches, hypnotisierendes Werk, das in angenehmen Dämmerzustand versetzt. Da passt die Zusammenarbeit mit seinem weiblichen Pendant Liz Harris aka Grouper wie der Vollmond zum Nachthimmel und hilft als letzter Höhepunkt des Albums beim sanften Wiederauftauchen aus faszinierendem Zwielicht.
Between Two Skies (2005)
Towards The Night (2005)
Century Of Moonlight (2006)
Naqi (2006)
Speaking Of Shadows (2006)
Yahan Dur Wahan (2006)
Arroyo (2008)
Between Two Skies / Towards The Night (2008)
The Vertigo Of Dawn (2008)
Goner (2009)
Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2009
Hermann Nitsch
Ein wenig beängstigend wenn man mich fragt, aber was soll's!
Hermann Nitsch ‘6. Sinfonie – Allerheiligensinfonie’
Side I (30:50)
Side II (30:30)
Side III (27:50)
Side IV (28:10)
Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2009
Screamers - The Demos 1977-78 & In A Better World

Und weil es so schön war, geht's gleich weiter.
The Screamers were a punk rock group active in the Los Angeles, California area in the late 1970s.
A1 The Beat Goes On
A2 Thru The Flames
A3 Sex Boy
A4 If I Can't Have What I Want (I Don't Want Anything)
A5 She's The Girl
A6 I Wanna Hurt
A7 122 Hours Of Fear (Part 1)
B1 ...122 Hours Of Fear (Part 2)
B2 Punished Or Be Damned
B3 Government Love Affair
B4 Peer Pressure
B5 In A Better World
B6 Vertigo
B7 Magazine Love
B8 It's A Violent World
The Demos 1977-78

Part I
Live at The Whisky, LA 1/7/78
1. Vertigo
2. The Beat Goes On
3. Magazine Love
4. Government Love Affair (Don't Pay The Whore)
5. I Wanna Hurt
6. Peer Pressure
7. If I Can't Have What I Want, I Don't Want Anything
8. Punish Or Be Damned
9. It's A Violent World
10. I'm Going Steady With Twiggy
Pat Garrett Demos 7/7/77
11. Matar Dolores
Demos 78/79 ?
(recorded by David Cambell & Renee Daalder)
12. I'm A Mensch
13. The Scream
14. Need A Head-On (Why The World)
Live at Mabuhay Gardens, SF 9/2/78
15. 122 Hours Of Fear
16. Vertigo
17. Last 4 Digits
18. Magazine Love
19. Beat Goes On
20. Punish Or Be Damned
21. In A Better World
Part II
Live at The Whisky, LA 1-6-78
1. The Beat Goes On
2. In A Better World
3. Punish Or Be Damned
4. If I can't have what I want, I don't want anything
5. GO guy
6. Magazine love
7. Vertigo
8. Sex boy
9. Violent world
Radio spot, Tomata
(played on KROQ in LA for 7/19-21/79 shows)
10. Roxy radio spot
Demos 78/79
(recorded by David Cambell & Renee Daalder)
11. Need A Head-On (Why The World), The Scream
Live 78 (at The Whisky 7/1/78)
12. Eva Braun
13. 122 Hours of Fear
14. Mater Dolores
15. Thru The Flames (She Frightens)
16. Magazine Love
17. Vertigo
18. Sex Boy
Pat Garrett Demos 7/7/77
19. If I Can't Have What I Want, I Don't Want Anything
Units - Digital Stimulation

"The Units are a defunct, early Electronic music/punk rock/New Wave/Synthpunk band founded in San Francisco in 1978 and active until 1984. One of America's first electronic new wave bands, they are widely cited (along with The Screamers from L.A.) as pioneers of a genre now known as "synthpunk." The Units were notable for their use of synthesizers in place of guitars, and multimedia performances featuring multiple projections of satirical, instructional films critical of conformity and consumerism..."
1. High Pressure Days
2. Digital Stimulation
3. Warm Moving Bodies
4. Go
5. Mission
6. Cannibals
7. Bugboy
8. Tight Fit
9. Passion Or Patterns
10. Town By The River
11. Cowboy
Digital Stimulation
Track 1 - 11 nur Knüller! 1978 ging die Scheisse ab!
New Wave/Synthpunk vom feinsten. Mit Screamers hätten die ruhig mal Zug fahren und die Waggons auseinandernehmen können. Aber Hallo!
Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2009
Montag, 5. Oktober 2009
Infinity Window

Axolotl / Infinity Window - Split (2008)
A1 Axolotl - Ur 12:21
A2 Axolotl - Krur 1:54
B1 Infinity Window - Bone Mosaic I 8:23
B2 Infinity Window - Bone Mosaic II 6:29

Infinity Window - Trans Fat (2008)
1 Foaming Tusk 6:56
2 Trans Fat 13:52
3 Panama Rose 14:26

Infinity Window - Artificial Midnight (2009)
A1 Sheets Of Face 7:56
A2 Internal Compass 7:36
B1 Skull Theft 11:10

Treetops / Infinity Window - Tour Split (2009)
A Treetops - The Shape Of The Universe 8:18
B Infinity Window - Field Of Vision 9:11
Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2009
Topaz Rags - California Ash & Tarot Harem

Topaz Rags - California Ash (2008) cassette on Not Not Fun.

Topaz Rags - Tarot Harem (2009) on Not Not Fun
Freitag, 2. Oktober 2009
Mark McGuire
Nate Scheible & Mark McGuire - Untitled (2008)
Amethyst Waves (2008)
An Old Hag's Cackle Pt. II (2008)
Dream Team (2008)
Guitar Meditations (2008)
Let Us Be The Way we Were (2008)
Light Movement (2008)
Off in the Distance (2008)
Open Chords (2008)
Prehistoric Blackout/Mark McGuire - Split (2008)
The Garden of Eternal Life (2008)
A Pocket Full of Rain (2009)
Losing Sleep (2009)
Stranger Than Paradise (2009)
Tidings II (2009)
Dienstag, 29. September 2009
Land of Kush - Against the Day (2009)

"Eine extreme, experimentelle Mischung aus Free Jazz & Post-Rock, so etwas habe ich noch nie gehört"
Empfehlenswert, sehr sogar!
"Land Of Kush is a large orchestra assembled and directed by Montreal composer and musician Sam Shalabi, one of the city’s most unique and prolific players over the past decade. Shalabi performs constantly on electric guitar and oud, with regular appearances in numerous jazz and free improv ensembles, membership in a kaleidoscope of avant rock bands, and at the compositional helm of various musical assemblages large and small. Shalabi has seen a dozen full-length album recordings released in the last eight years, under his own name and with Shalabi Effect (on Alien8Recordings) and as a member of Molasses, Detention, Po, ‘Gypt Gore and Nutsack."
The Light Over The Ranges
Iceland Spar
Against The Day
Rue De Départ
Piff Paff
The Mask of the Imperial Family - s/t (1981)

Psychedelisches, obskures Klangbild aus Japan.
A1 Untitled
A2 Untitled
A3 Untitled
B1 Untitled
B2 Untitled
Montag, 31. August 2009
Samstag, 21. März 2009
Dienstag, 3. März 2009
A long silence ensued